Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Who I'm trying to be .....Giving Back

I have always wanted to go into a career where I am helping others. Even if I have changed my mind about the career the next one I choose always involves helping others. I enjoy helping people it is who I am.
I am the one holding up traffic to give the homeless man my food, I am the one who puts all kinds of money in salvation army buckets around Christmas, I am the one who once bought 19 kids gifts off the angel tree, I want to volunteer, I want to give things to those in need. I have been given so many great things in life and I want to give them back.  
I tell people "I am going to school to become a social worker" and almost every time the response is "oh they make about the same as a teacher right?" And yes they do! To me it isn't about how much money I am making. I want to help people, I want to volunteer, I want my girls to know the importance of this.
I have a team for the best buddies walk on May 19th. My team name is "Buddies for Life"  This program is offering so many people with intellectual and developmental disabilities a chance to have a life, and have friends like me and you. I love my team and I support them 100%. I am looking for walkers to come an walk with my team, I am looking for donations to put towards the program.
Our best buddies mission...
Best Buddies' mission is to establish a global volunteer movement that creates opportunities for one-to-one friendships, integrated employment and leadership development for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD).

So I have contacted some people found out somethings I can do on my own when there are not big events coming up.
  • Making quilts for neglected an abused children
  • Tie fleece blankets for cancer patients leaving treatment
  • Create goody bags for the abused children
  • Join a walk
  • Donate money
  • Donate time 
 I recently got a job, not a huge paying job, but its some income. I told my boyfriend that a portion of all my checks will go to me donating and helping other people. I am going to start a group night, we all get together an work on the project for the evening. I will be providing dinner and supplies!!! If you would like to help purchase things it would be wonderful but I just want people to come and help me get things together. I am going to teach my girls to donate and to volunteer. My girls will be volunteering at the soup kitchen one day, and my girls will help me give older clothes to those who need it. All too often people forget about giving back, paying it forward. 
Look around you, take note....
I challenge every single one of you.....
  • Give a compliment daily
  • Purchase the persons stuff behind you in line
  • Smile an wave you dont know how much you might help
  • Offer a helping hand
  • Donate
  • Volunteer
Take just a moment from your life to help better someone elses. You might not be able to find a cure for cancer, or stop world hunger, or end child abuse, But you never know what a simple something can do for someones day.
Don't forget to be kind today <3 .....Melani


  1. This is an empowering post. I love it. I think you're an awesome person for setting out to better yourself, and better your kids!

  2. Good for you Mel! I am really proud of you. That is so awesome that you have such a big heart. I can relate. No reward is better than helping people in need. Keep writing, and Keep up the good work!
